Clubs & Organizations

(Under Construction)

Our learners and lead learners are involved in organizations with local, state, and national events. Go Patriots!

FBLA at High Expectations Night 2025

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)


Ms. Meisha Jackson & Mrs. Auburn Brown

Family, Career & Community Leaders of America


Mrs. Kelly Gilmore

Family, Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a national Career and Technical Student Organization (CTSO) for students in Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) education in public and private schools. FCCLA offers intra-curricular resources and opportunities for students to pursue careers that support families. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education.

2024-2025 Officers

President: Hannah Wilson

Vice President: Lillian Restad

Secretary: Michael Hargrove

Treasurer: Katelyn Denison

Representatives: John Evans, Hannah Lee, & Ashley Estrada

Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)


Ms. Christy Glassford

Leadership Team:

Ellla Williams, Davis Brewer, Katie McGinnis, Mary Hayden Hargrove, Mel Velazquez, Ashley Lee, Mallory McGraw, Kylee Myers, Lily Kate Vinson, Margaret Weatherford, Michael Hargrove, Braiden Watkins, Sam Standerfer, Vivi Brewer, Cami Hawthorne, Kylie Morrow, McKenzie Anderson, Bowman Golden, Emily Lee

Future Farmers of America (FFA)


Ms. Emma Watson

Future Teachers of America (FTA)


Mrs. Kelly Gilmore

2024-2025 Officers

President: Riley Williams
Vice President (President in waiting): Lillian Restad
Vice President: J.T. Evans
Secretary: Hannah Lee
Treasurer: Natalee Coker
Representative: Ava Walker

Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)


Mrs. Crystal Joiner

Leo Club


Ms. Laela Bunn

About Us:

Leo Club is a youth organization of Lions Clubs International. Leo clubs encourage youths to develop leadership qualities by participating in social service activities. We are student-led, using our skills and compassion to create service projects for our local school and Pike Road community.

2024-2025 Officers

President: Karlah Shamburger

Vice President: Isabella Hensley

Secretary: Lillian Restadt

Treasurer: Hannah Lee

Model UN


Ms. Kathryn Woddail

Mu Alpha Theta


Ms. Mallory Boyd

National Honors Society

Sponsor: Ms. Emily Powell

Peer Helpers


Mrs. Jessica Elam, Ms. LaShae Perine, Ms. Gemara Goodwin, & Mrs. Corinda Wilson

Student 2 Student (S2S)


Mrs. May

Student Council Association


Mrs. Pamela Kangelos

Spanish Honors Society


Mrs. Lindsay Bagwell

Technology Student Association (TSA)


Mrs. Stacy Cox

Tri-M Music Honors Society


Mr. Patrick Darby