Pike Road Intermediate Counseling Program

PRIS School Counseling Program Vision: The vision of the counseling department of Pike Road Intermediate School is that all students use their knowledge, skills, and influence to reach their highest potential. They are compassionate, active, and driven adults using their skills to improve their lives and the environment around them.
PRIS School Counseling Program Mission: The mission of Pike Road Intermediate School Counseling Department is to provide all students with equal access to comprehensive and developmentally appropriate counseling services which promotes achievement. Students are taught to use their knowledge, skills, and influence to think, innovate, and create opportunities to make a difference and foster lifelong success. The school counselor, a leader in the building, will promote and teach skills and build knowledge in the areas of academics, social/emotional, and career development. This is done through participating in collaborative efforts and advocacy with school and community stakeholders in order to benefit all students.

In the 2023-2024 school year, the counseling program at PRIS was named a Counseling Program of Distinction by the state of Alabama. This started the process of becoming nationally recognized.
In 2024, Pike Road Intermediate School was named a Nationally Recognized American School Counseling Association (ASCA) Model Program (RAMP) School. PRIS will be a certified RAMP school from 2024 to 2029. This was a rigorous application process, and PRIS is one of only 19 schools in Alabama and 1300 nationally receiving this distinction.
The Recognized ASCA Model Program recognizes schools that are committed to delivering school counseling programs aligned with the ASCA National Model framework. The RAMP designation demonstrates to administrators, school boards, families and the community at large that the schools are committed to supporting the mission of the school and district.
Peer Helpers Program
Pike Road Intermediate has introduced the implementation of the ThriveWay Peer Helpers on our campus. This program is a multi-tiered prevention and support program with both educator and student-led activities. This is the ultimate peer-to-peer support program which helps our youth navigate life’s daily challenges by preparing them to be emotionally, socially, behaviorally and academically successful for a lifetime.
Peer Helpers are trained to assist their peers with daily issues such as bullying, alcohol, drugs, social pressures, and family dynamics. The Peer Helpers seek to build resiliency and coping skills in all students. We believe that addressing these risk factors and developing life skills are both key components to reducing youth suicide and increasing overall wellness.
The concept of Peer Helpers is based on the fact that when a young person is seeking help, validation or guidance, they turn to a peer first and reach out to their parents much later, if at all. Therefore, it is our youth whom we will continue to empower to support one another because they have the opportunities to make the greatest positive impact.

Brittany Parker - NCC, Professional School Counselor, Pike Road Schools Mental Health Coordinator
Rebecca Ingram - Peer Helper Coordinator
Sarah Sikes - Peer Helper Coordinator