The Pike Road Way

Our Mission & Vision
The strength of Pike Road Schools is grounded in our sincere desire to create a culture of intellectual curiosity. We are fearless about doing what is best for our students. We refer to how we do things as “The Pike Road Way.”
Our Mission: Empowering minds, shaping future leaders.
Our Vision: We are dedicated to a culture of excellence that enables individuals to reach their full potential. Firmly rooted in our community, our goal is to be a premiere institution that fosters greatness in every member, while proactively addressing the needs or our school community.
Our Beliefs:
Intellectual growth occurs when learners are genuinely engaged in their learning.
Students are more engaged when they have the opportunity to participate in authentic learning.
Learners will succeed in an environment where they feel safe and valued.
Learners will do challenging work when failure is embraced as a valuable part of the learning process.
Community members are valuable partners and must be involved in their schools.
All members of the school community should treat each other with dignity and respect.
Every member of the school community contributes to student learning and should be a continuous learner.
Educators are professionals who continuously work on improving the learning experiences.
Parents are valuable partners and members of the school community.
The superintendent and school board function as a team, advocate for students, create capacity, and build community.
Walking The Halls of History
On July 1, 2018, Pike Road Schools purchased Georgia Washington Junior High School for their high school campus hosting grades 8th-12th. Currently, the Georgia Washington campus is now the campus of two schools Pike Road Junior High grades 7th- 8th and Pike Road High School grades 9th-12th.
The school was started by emancipated slave and visionary Georgia Washington in 1893. After emancipation she graduated from Hampton University (1882), an HBCU in Virginia where she taught for a while before moving to Mount Meigs, Alabama, and starting a small school there called the People's Village School. In February 1894, the residents purchased a plot of land and built an 18-foot-by-36-foot schoolhouse. When Georgia Washington died in 1952, the school was named in her memory. In 1974, Montgomery Public Schools converted Georgia Washington High School into a middle school. The school has served thousands of young men and women in this community for decades.
The first timepiece for the Mt. Meigs community is a brass bell, which is housed in the very hallways we walk every day. The bell is a reminder of the sacrifices and accomplishments of one brave woman for the purpose of education. Pike Road Junior High School looks forward to carrying on the great legacy of learning and establishing many incredible traditions throughout the years. Our daily mission is to create a culture of intellectual curiosity, where all students have ownership over their learning and are inspired to Think, Innovate, and Create.
Pike Road Junior High School
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Address: 696 Georgia Washington Road, Pike Road, AL 36064
Phone Number: (334) 420-5340
Fax Number: (334) 676-5065