Our Story
Mission Statement
Empowering minds, shaping future leaders.
Our Vision
We are dedicated to a culture of excellence that enables individuals to reach their full potential. Firmly rooted in our community, our goal is to be a premiere institution that fosters greatness in every member, while proactively addressing the needs or our school community.
Our Beliefs
Intellectual growth occurs when learners are genuinely engaged in their learning.
Students are more engaged when they have the opportunity to participate in authentic learning.
Learners will succeed in an environment where they feel safe and valued.
Learners will do challenging work when failure is embraced as a valuable part of the learning process.
Community members are valuable partners and must be involved in their schools.
All members of the school community should treat each other with dignity and respect.
Every member of the school community contributes to student learning and should be a continuous learner.
Educators are professionals who continuously work on improving the learning experiences.
Parents are valuable partners and members of the school community.
The superintendent and school board function as a team, advocate for students, create capacity, and build community.
About the School
Pike Road Elementary School (PRES) is a non-traditional public school that serves students in grades Pre-K through 3 in Pike Road, Alabama. PRES is in year ten at the founding campus of the Pike Road School System (PRS). The campus is located in the Town of Pike Road in East Montgomery County. The town of Pike Road has many elements of a suburban community while it is also largely rural. Although the current population is around 9,000, major growth is anticipated.
This year PRES is home to roughly 950 Pre-Kindergarten through third-grade students as students. The Historic Campus houses grades 4, 5, and 6. The students in grades 7 through 12 are now at the Georgia Washington Campus. The Pike Road Elementary School student body represents an ethnically and economically diverse student population. The demographics include approximately 61% Caucasian, 25% African-American, 7% Hispanic, and 7% Asian. Approximately 13% of the school population receives free lunch due to the families' participation in the Federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Pike Road Schools does not accept federal funding for the Child Nutrition Program, so the district only identifies learners for free lunch instead of free and reduced like the majority of school systems in Alabama. Roughly 11% of the student population are English Language Learners. Students must be residents of the incorporated town of Pike Road to be eligible to attend PRES.
PRES is committed to the PRS mission to create a culture of intellectual curiosity where students have ownership over their learning and they are inspired to think, innovate, and create. It is a standards-based, learner-centered environment with a goal to design educational experiences with and for the learners at PRES. Teachers at PRES use innovative assessment and reporting to communicate specific areas of excellence or needed growth for each learner.
Over the past few years, the faculty at PRES focused on refining the assessment practices at the school based on the research of Robert Marzano resulting in the designation of Priority Standards for Reading and Math in grades K through 3; the creation of Proficiency Scales for every Priority Standard; the creation of a Sequencing Guide for all Priority Standards; and a Standards-Based Assessment Handbook.